Hot of the press???? As the video of Greta Thunberg’s speech to world leaders at the UN goes viral, climate change continues to be the topic on everyone’s lips as campaigners use social media to create ‘fact avalanche’ combating climate untruths.
Meanwhile, Chinese tech giant Alibaba has quietly launched a social network app called Real Ruwo, which is targeted at university students. Will this app be able to compete with popular platforms such as Weibo and Tencent’s WeChat?
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ゲームスタート! Paddy Power launches a ‘Japanese-themed’ YouTube series in line with the Rugby World Cup.

Instagram is changing the rules! Under 18’s will no longer be exposed to any diet and detox products on the platform.

Better video viewing, faster. Google Search now allows viewers to go straight to key moments in videos on YouTube.

Microsoft brings out new AI software to help retailers track consumer behavior in brick-and-mortar stores.

Financial services, telecommunications and travel & transport brands account for three-quarters of sponsors at the 2019 Rugby World Cup.

In a bid to put an end to hunger by 2030, the United Nations’ World Food Program has created a virtual grocery store app to help refugees access food.

Currently, YouTubers with more than 100,000 subscribers are eligible for verified status but are now at risk of losing their badge due to a policy change.

In eMarketer’s 2019 Global Digital Video report, it is estimated that by 2023 over 39% of the global population will be digital video viewers.