As #BlackLivesMatter protests continue around the world, Twitter saw a record-breaking week with 677,000 downloads worldwide. The platform is an easy way for protesters to find out information about the movement, literally at their fingertips.
It’s not just looking up for Twitter. TikTok parent company, ByteDance Ltd, generated more than $3 billion net profit last year. This comes as no surprise – anyone that has been on the platform knows just how addictive it is.
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Beeb is the name of the new BBC voice assistant. As they open the next stage of testing, BBC is calling on the public to get involved. Click here to find out more.

Do you miss taking those fire selfies with your friends? Well get that pout ready, Apple has been granted a patent for software to generate synthetic selfies!

Facebook’s plan to integrate Instagram Direct Message and Facebook Messenger is making moves. Our inbox is going to be overflowing!

The business service has introduced new re-targeting tools for advertisers. From video ads to lead-generations forms, they will help target more specifically.