What’s happened this week:
- Pinterest has launched an open API for app developers
- Meerkat iOS now has Facebook integration, moving the platform further away from Twitter
- Yahoo are rolling out native video ads, and only charge advertisers after 3 seconds of viewing
What we have learned:
- YouTube mobile video has seen 80% growth year on year
- The new #RoyalBaby generated 1.1m tweets with her arrival (up from George’s 900k)
- Nice infographic from Vouchercloud looking at the changing landscape of mobile use in relation to commerce
Cool stuff:
- Microsoft’s #HowOldRobot estimates your age using facial recognition tech (and the results have gone viral)
- Good example of a travel brand using Emoji in search results to boost response rates
- Snickers launch iVoice – a grumpy Siri – for their ‘You’re Not You When You’re Hungry’ campaign
Where to find more:
- TNW looks at how Emoji – the new language of the internet – is improving the way we communicate online
- ReadWrite look at how self-driving cars like those from Tesla could transform the infrastructure of our cities
- Twitter revealed the science behind creating the perfect hashtag