What’s happened this week:
- Square revealed it is to move in to consumer marketplaces challenging both niche players such as Etsy and giants like Amazon.
- The first major update to 4G Mobile , LTE-A was launched in South Korea promising speeds up to 150mb/s.
- Facebook announced an initiative to make the site far more brand safe, moving all advertising away from ‘controversial pages and groups’.
What we have learned:
- UK Mobile ad spend will grow 90% in 2013 to over GBP 1bn.
- Why we like brands on Facebook. It is not just offers and discounts; ‘supporting a brand I like’ is the #1 reason, according to syncapse.
- Consumers are open to sharing their personal data with brands if they can see clear benefits to them, 78% would be more likely to buy from retailers who show ads tailored to their interests.
Cool stuff:
- Alteer labs are designing 3d augmented reality for a post Google Glass world.
- 12 of the most interesting technologies used by the retail sector.
- What to expect from the next generation games consoles from ghostly versions of ourselves playing against friends to companion apps that take the game to new devices and contexts.
Where to find more:
- Facebook has to process mind boggling quantities of data, and fast. Their TAO (The Associations and Objects)system is what allows them to do that. Brands will need to learn the same technical lessons for the personalized real-time age.
- The Internet of Cars is reaching the point where it will be rolled out on the world’s roads, it will need enormous investment but may revolutionise the concept of driving.
- *The emerging programmable world will develop through trillions of sensors first talking to each other and then working with the world’s data to make autonomous decisions.