‘Tweet Pete’ and take part in our Portrait of Britain

Earlier this year, we tasked award-winning photographer Peter Dench with the hefty challenge of creating a visual portrait of modern Britain to accompany our Future of Britain research.  We wanted to see the rich variety of the British people, their attitudes, lifestyles, relationships and interactions with the environment, technology, and see them at work and at leisure.  We wanted to capture the everyday moments that make up life in Britain today and share them here on this blog – all adding to the rich insights we’re discovering through our research. 

Peter has been busy touring the country, but with so much ‘Britishness’ to capture, we thought we’d give him a helping hand and call on you, people of Britain, to give Peter suggestions of places and occasions in your own lives that he could come and photograph. So, if you’d like to take part in our project and would be happy to appear on our blog, please Tweet Pete with your suggestion @peterdench and include #britfuture in your message.

We can’t guarantee that Peter will get round to everyone, but we love the idea of a portrait of Britain made by the people of Britain.


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