This week’s biggest stories, powered by Newsroom

A look back at the stories that caught the attention of the public this week:

FIFA 16 Widower 

Social media saw a very popular story that was given to us through the release of the new FIFA 16 game and the teasing words a boy tweeted to his quick-witted girlfriend. The tweet, “Bye Danni” with a picture of the game, received over 10k retweets and 5.6k favourites, whilst Danni’s retort, “Bye Brad” and a picture of a massive sex toy, enjoyed over 13k retweets and 12k favourites. The story spread quickly and was covered by thousands of publications all over the world, with over 250k interactions in the space of a few days.

Instagram’s 5th Birthday

As OMD UK places themselves as the No.1 Instagram agency, it makes perfect sense to make a fuss of their 5th birthday coming up on the 6th October. The celebrity parties have already begun as people take to the hugely successful photo-sharing platform. 40 billion photos from 400 million users prove the site shows no signs of slowing down. Brands are becoming more creative with the functionality of the platform by using ideas like the ‘Choose your own adventure’ multi-layered option, giving users a much more interesting experience which leads to higher engagement levels.

Instagram’s top 10 accounts
Top hashtags

Ones to watch – #Peeple & Facebook videos


Twitter trends come and go quicker than a Tinder swipe but #Peeple has managed to stay in the top 10 for over 12 hours and is looking like it will stay longer. The controversial new app allows users to rate people with a functionality much like Trip Advisor, rating people’s personal, professional or romantic abilities without their knowledge or consent. Negative feelings have been piqued immediately, as people speculate about the potential ramifications of an app that has such dark possibilities. Twitter has seen nearly 50k mentions in just 12 hours, as it firmly stays on our ‘One To Watch’ list.

Seven-second Facebook videos

Facebook saw a spike in mentions today as it rolled out the new seven-second profile video, which can be uploaded as your new ‘profile picture’. With the recent release of the 360 video and now the profile video loop, the push towards video is stronger than ever. The implications for brands include uploading memes that better represent themselves, using influencers on their personal pages as this tool doesn’t seem to be available on brand pages on mobile yet.



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