What’s happened this week:
- South by South West interactive has started in Austin, Texas: Themes so far:
- Ambient location awareness, how the technology interface needs to be as invisible as possible – hear the rap summary (?)
- The Highlight app
- Nike’s branded API
- Apple launched the new iPad with a beyond HD screen and 4g connections up to 73mb/s (i.e.10x faster than the average home connection)
- Angry Birds Space launched, amazingly enough from the International Space Station
What we have learned:
- The UK consumed almost 1bn hours of online video content in January roughly one sixth of the total volume of TV consumed
- In 2000 US Land Rover buyers made 7.5 visits to the showroom it is now 1.3 visits, how retailers are responding to this challenge created by technology with their own technology
- Simply embedding a share button in a digital product increases peer influence by 400% , why we need to make the products themselves viral
Cool stuff:
- Google are reimagining classic ads from the past for the Digital Age with project re-brief
- American Express is generating savings by linking a card to a twitter account, a great example of consumer grade data-service-value integration
- A new Microsoft App that translates speech in real time that outputs with your own voice
Where to find more:
- The Future of Advertising is in many lightweight interactions over time, and then the occasional heavyweight interaction
- The 5 big digital marketing trends of the moment; location, user curation, user initiation, new formats for tablet/mobile and integration
- There are some frighteningly ambitious ideas coming out of the startup community these days