
Introducing Living with Future Britain

We’re pleased to announce the second phase of research from our Future of Britain initiative: Living with Future Britain.

Over the last few months, we have conducted a ground-breaking mobile ethnographic study to build on the wealth of insight that we discovered in the first phase of our research. This time, we wanted to go deeper and get inside the homes of the British public to gain a richer understanding of the way Britons live their lives, and what this means for the future of Britain, from the roles brands play in their daily lives, Britons aspirations and fears, the role of technology in the home and how media consumption is changing.

Over a 10 day period this summer, over 200 Britons took part in our ethnographic study via a mobile phone application created for us by uSamp. Each participant, across a broad range of British household types, completed 50 bespoke tasks set by OMD UK. These varied from submitting pictures of the contents of their bathroom cupboards and fridges, to measuring the use of certain household devices each day, to completing a series of video diaries.  We also invited a sample of forty participants to take part in a week-long insight community.

The net result is that OMD UK now has an enviable insight source at our fingertips. It really is a ground-breaking study in terms of the breadth and depth of information we have access to. We will be sharing this with our clients and media partners over the coming weeks, and of course sharing our insights and findings here on this blog. So do stay tuned and watch this space!

If you would like to hear our latest research findings first-hand, please get in touch to book a presentation with our insight team. We’d love to hear from you.


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