
The Future of Britain: From pride in the UK to a divided UK

As we’ve seen with one of our other Future of Britain – five years on findings, the nation is in a state of what OMD UK describes as ‘Contented Resilience’.

Unsurprisingly, Brexit has played a big part in driving this. We asked our survey, “If there was an EU referendum tomorrow, how would you vote?”, and although our survey is very different from exit or predictive polls, we still saw that there is still a large divide across the country, with 42% saying that they would vote Leave, 47% saying that they would vote Remain and 11% either wouldn’t vote, don’t know or would rather not say.

Our research goes on to reveal that since voting to leave the EU, Britain has gone through four out of the five stages associated with grief: anger; bargaining; depression and acceptance.

But what about the split between Leavers and Remainers – how does their outlook on Britain and its future differ? Find out in our report here.


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