OMD Around the World

This week we shine a spotlight on OMD Spain’s #APPdictionOMD research project.

In collaboration with Twitter, OMD Spain developed #APPdictionOMD, looking into the behaviour of smartphone users. The methodology was incredibly innovative with OMD Spain creating an app to track the usage of 1,297 mobile phones in real-time, 24/7, over the course of six weeks. This accounted to 29,200 hours of usage and 3,326 different apps!

This information helped OMD Spain understand how and what we are using our mobile phones for and to classify the users in four clusters. To present the research, OMD Spain organised an event in Madrid and Barcelona with over 100 advertisers attending. Marta Saez, OMD Spain’s MD, also took to the stage with a robot that broadcasted her entire speech online.

#APPdictionOMD even trended on Twitter!


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