And the winner is…..

The Cannes Lions Awards set the global benchmark for excellence in creative communications each year. Judging of this year’s winners began on Sunday and we have all been anxiously awaiting the results.

After co-leading the shortlist for the Cannes Media Lions all week, we are proud to announce a win for OMD UK and PepsiCo for our Doritos Mariachi Christmas campaign. The campaign picked up the Silver Award in the Best Use of Audio category. Working closely with AMV BBDO, we created a fun and dynamic campaign staring our very own Mexican Folk band, the Mariachis.

Continuing its three year winning streak, OMD Worldwide captured a total of 10 Media Lions at the 2013 Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, and also saw OMD Australia take home the Media Agency of the Year title – this makes OMD Worldwide the most medalled media network at the 2013 Festival.

Celebrations are in full swing in the French Riveria! To find out what’s happening on the ground, you can follow the blog of Ann Wixley, OMD UK’s Creative Director,, or tweet Ann at @annincannes #annincannes


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